Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to Transform Arguments into Agreements

Think back to the last major issue that you and your roommates or family had, how did you address this problem? Well if I think back to any arguments that I have had with my roommates it definitely wasn't a pleasant experience because it was mainly amounted to screaming, harsh words, and later feelings of regret and sometimes embarrassment. This is so common because this is the way that almost all arguments go, but this past week I really came to a new understanding of how we should actually counsel. One of the most important steps is to first, if a it is a major issue you are addressing to plan a specific time which allows everyone to think about there true feelings on the situations and not act purely on impulse and passion. Although this is an extremely and effective practice the key ingredient to any successful counsel in business, roommates, or in the family is to put away your own personal agenda. When you do this and your primary focus is the best solution for everyone you will be far more successful because here you can really see others perspectives as not competition but ideas that could benefit all. And the last is to not push the decision because when you do this others may remain uneasy about the issue and this could hinder the success of the decision. If everyone is at peace about the choice then you know you have the best solution because it has been unanimously approved. Overall I thinks its important to remember that really you need to have the proper time to gather your thoughts, to want the best outcome for everyone not just yourself, and to allow everyone to endorse your decision 100% before moving forward. 

                    XOXO Honey Bee's and Sweet Dreams

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