Saturday, March 9, 2013

Take it from Michael! It's Easy as ABC!

This past week I was introduced to a model called ABCX and it actually is extremely interesting to how this model really does work and how it actually applies to your life. Now your probably thinking how can some random assortment of letters help me understand issues I am having now and prepare me for the future? Well the double ABCX model is the idea of how previous situations and crisis help to prepare us for our future crises that we may encounter. The Actual event is for example a roommate that is extremely confrontational (PREACH ON!), then Both resources and reactions that are applied to the crisis. Your resources may include family, friends, or your church and based off of how you use these resources will depict how you respond to the crisis like if you discuss the issue with your family and friends you might have your outlooks change. Then comes Cognition and this is basically your personal mindset throughout the crisis and afterwards. Examples might be to see this as a growing experience and to learn much about yourself or you might see this as a crisis that you simply have to endure (by staying in your room all day and perpetuating the uncomfortable situation that is at hand). Overall ABC will determine you eXperience and this is how ABC influenced your overall feelings during the situation. So when you learn from previous encounter and then when another crisis come along you go forward with the information and knowledge that you learned from a previous experience. From this I learned that we should welcome crises because it will help to prepare us in the future and we will eventually be capable of handling a variety of issues with ease.

                                   XOXO Honey Bee's and Sweet Dreams

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