Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Haughty Taughty and the Homeless

So your and idealist and believe that everyone has equal opportunities and there is nothing wrong with that; it is the American way to believe that we can progress and achieve financial success and this is lovely but perhaps it is not as desirable as you think. I like most of you fully believed that I wanted to work and achieve a higher class than that which I was raised in; ideally a life where money was not a concern and vacations were frequent and lovely. But what I learned recently was that this perhaps is not something I want. Did you know that you would always feel more comfortable with those from your original social class? So what does this mean for you? Would you like to be a social climber and offer your children a promising future but feel constantly inadequate with those around you? Or perhaps struggle slightly and have friends that are content with their social class? Well some will choose the latter but regardless it is most important to be happy where you are so whether you live in the suburbs or the slums follow the Bob Marley’s example and know that every LITTLE thing is gonna be alright!
                                           XOXO Honey Bee's and Sweet Dreams

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