Monday, February 25, 2013

Are We Preparing for Marriage or Divorce?

So I am sure that you have heard get your education, become financially stable, and be self-reliant before you get married it will make it so much easier. Sound familiar? Well perhaps we are doing quite the opposite of preparing for marriage, we are preparing for divorce by taking these steps. Well if your getting your education in the hopes of graduating first and then finding a steady job you are becoming self-reliant. But isn't marriage supposed to be relying completely and totally on your spouse? It is! You are suppose to place all your worries and burdens upon you husband or wife and vise versa but if you are already in the habit of self-reliance then this practice will be a trial in your marriage. My teacher shared an experience with us of when he has attended a ropes course together with his wife and while they may differ in weight they both have to rely completely on each other or else they will fall. Eventually they are several feet apart and still strong this is a great example of how we can be stretched out with work or children but if you rely on one another completely than you will remain steady and immovable. Although your probably thinking I am 19 and single what does this have to do with me? Perhaps you are struggling with this now because I am! Right now I want nothing more than to become a successful therapist and accomplish great academic achievements then live independently and be a strong a woman and then if marriage fits in that’s great. But this isn't exactly what I should do; we should be living the best we can and seek to accomplish our goals but know that we need to rely upon others because this will be one of the greatest preparations that we can have for marriage. If you enter into marriage with the mindset that if this fails you have a back up plan than you have the wrong attitude because you should enter marriage with no easy escapes plans there should be no plan B. 
                                          XOXO Honey Bee's and Sweet Dreams

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