Sunday, January 27, 2013

When abnormal becomes the norm..

So previous to this week I thought I had the most dysfunctional family... like the family that makes the Kardashins look completely functional. But this week I discovered that my family deals with similar issues to others and that the idealistic family that you always see and are the perfect Mormon family that is a direct descendant from Joseph Smith. Right about now you instantly think of that family in your ward and they are perfect and have no problems. Well the truth is they are NOT PERFECT! Each family has their struggles and as much as we like to be different and individualist this is less true than we would like we really all struggle with the same problems. Rather it is the 7-year-old girl who gets picked on because of her bangs or the 19 year-old at BYU-I who is an "old maid" regardless of where you are in life we all struggle. But now that we have established this I just understood this outstanding concept with the technical term of family systems theory but this is the basic understanding that everything that each member of the family does affects the whole family. An example is a child struggling with addiction although they may see this as only effecting themselves this pulls on every member in the family to readjust and change their role. This theory really affects everyone like a circle; if you pull on one side the circle is going to become distorted but none the less it is still a circle. So go and enjoy your family and realize they may not be a crazy, abnormal, and dysfunctional as you may think or maybe they are....
                                           XOXO Honey Bees and Sweet Dreams

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