Okay so
we all love to make the sex jokes and talk about it with ease yet when we talk
about it on a more serious manner you are probably are like me and get that
super uncomfortable feeling in your chest and want to dig a hole and shove your
head in. Well in a class this week we discussed intimacy and needless to say I
wanted to run! But although it was uncomfortable and I stared at my desk the
whole time it was enlightening to learn more deeply of how intimacy is much
more than just sex and that sex is nothing without intimacy. It is important to
note that most people have it wrong that we believe that those in their 20's
and early 30's that go around having one night stands have the best sex. Well
it is the opposite sex without love, without commitment, and without intimacy
is just a motion its nothing. So in actuality those that are married and have
been for several years typically mid 30's and early 40's are really having the
best sex. The reasoning for this is because it is a practice to which they know
what they like and what their spouse likes and from this it becomes one of the
most powerful bonding experiences we can have in this life. Well what do you
take from this? I strongly encourage you to wait till you are married because
you will avoid pain and the disconnect one can feel from a current partner if
they had previous encounter. Also it will be everything and more than you could
ever imagine as time goes on this physically intimate relationship will create
a stronger marriage!
XOXO Honey Bee's and Sweet Dreams
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