In todays
modern world it is so frequent that most people are not married to their first
spouse and are in their second marriage. So with this how can this remarriage
be an opportunity rather than a struggle that will tear at two parents new
formed union? Well I would like to share a personal story and that is my
brother Nic is now engaged to a widow with two children in their early teens.
At first this was so different because courting is changed drastically when it
goes from just an exclusive couple to that plus a pair of kids. Personally I
was unsure at first because this was different and lets be honest this isn't
the type of situation you frequently think of. Although as I realized that this
was far more of a blessing than a burden it changed my whole perspective and I
came to see the situation as something that I could learn much from. One lesson
is that with remarriage there is far more to gain than lose, a specific gain is
that you really are able to relate with a wider variety of people than you
previously could have. For example I now can relate to widows, children who
have lost a parent, blending different backgrounds, realizing that everyone has
far more in common than differences, and those who are or have readjusted to a
new family setting. Out of these the most profound to me personally is that I
really can relate to a larger spectrum of people than I previously could have,
and with hopes of being a therapist that is important. But its really important
to note that remarriage, blending, and adjusting all
have beautiful lessons that can be learned from them not only within
out families but also in our future relationships and will help us to gain greater
acceptance of everyone.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Punishment or Consequences Are They Really the Same?
So I am
not a parent but I have heard from the best that it is one of the most
difficult tasks, like to the point of frustration that you just want to fight
your 9 month old (Thank you Kevin Hart for that statistical data).
But when situations arise I think it is important to implement 2 types of
consequences for you children first natural consequences and logical
consequences. It is most desirable to have a good balance between these because
with natural consequences you soon could have one less kid if your not careful.
With that thou natural consequences are the type of consequence we want
children to learn most from because it does not involve you directly punishing,
like when I was younger my parents told me not to play in parking lots but
it wasn't until I split my head open on a sign that I realized "Wow
maybe they had a point?” Although injuries should be prevented by logical
consequences that are known by both the parents as well as the children. With
it being mutual consensus this takes the whole burden of punishment off the
shoulders of the parents and onto your child
which teaches them responsibility, Logical consequences are
important because if your child doesn't come home on time sending them to bed
without supper is not logical like grounding them or whatever agreement you
have came to. It is important that it makes sense because if it doesn't they
won't learn they will just be further confused. So remember that even
thou you may be annoyed at times that these kids have no experience and they
are clueless in life and it is you sacred duty to guide and teach along the way
and to stress that consequences are something we cannot chose.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Mop or Mind?
So most of America really
think that being a full time homemaker is unimportant, unfulfilling, and in some
cases demoralizing in feminists eyes. They see cleaning, changing diapers, and
cooking all burdens and tasks that do not show their great potential. And for
the most part I agreed with this because I worked in a day care for a summer
and I felt that my knowledge exceeded the repetition of changing the multitude
of diapers and putting babies to sleep. But when I came to the realization that
repetition is what a typical job is you show up at 9am and stay till 5pm
performing the same tasks. While leaving your children, and some might say that
they work because they need both salaries; the harsh reality is that in most
cases you are actually paying around $1,000 to $5,000 yearly if the mother
works out of the home. And although this is alarming some still feel like they cannot
be pleased with having to stay home but the variety they are looking is truly
in the home. While raising your children you will encounter situation everyday
that will force you to expand your knowledge. These will vary from helping with
learning to read and taking trips to library, to explaining some of the
greatest questions purposed by your kids, to learning as they build projects.
All of these if taken advantage will expand your knowledge and if you take
grasp on these situations then you will not only be fulfilled but achieve what
you never could at a 9am-5pm.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
How to Transform Arguments into Agreements
Think back to the last
major issue that you and your roommates or family had, how did you address this
problem? Well if I think back to any arguments that I have had with my
roommates it definitely wasn't a pleasant experience because it was
mainly amounted to screaming, harsh words, and later feelings of regret and
sometimes embarrassment. This is so common because this is the
way that almost all arguments go, but this past week I really came to
a new understanding of how we should actually counsel. One of the most
important steps is to first, if a it is a major issue you are addressing to
plan a specific time which allows everyone to think about there true feelings
on the situations and not act purely on impulse and passion. Although this is
an extremely and effective practice the key ingredient to any successful
counsel in business, roommates, or in the family is to put away your own
personal agenda. When you do this and your primary focus is the best solution
for everyone you will be far more successful because here you can really see
others perspectives as not competition but ideas that could benefit all. And
the last is to not push the decision because when you do this others may remain
uneasy about the issue and this could hinder the success of the decision. If everyone
is at peace about the choice then you know you have the best solution because
it has been unanimously approved. Overall I thinks its important to remember
that really you need to have the proper time to gather your thoughts, to want
the best outcome for everyone not just yourself, and to allow everyone to endorse
your decision 100% before moving forward.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Take it from Michael! It's Easy as ABC!
This past
week I was introduced to a model called ABCX and it actually is extremely
interesting to how this model really does work and how it actually applies to
your life. Now your probably thinking how can some random assortment of letters
help me understand issues I am having now and prepare me for the future? Well
the double ABCX model is the idea of how previous situations and crisis help to
prepare us for our future crises that we may encounter. The Actual
event is for example a roommate that is extremely confrontational (PREACH ON!),
then Both resources and reactions that are applied to the crisis.
Your resources may include family, friends, or your church and based off of how
you use these resources will depict how you respond to the crisis like if you
discuss the issue with your family and friends you might have your outlooks
change. Then comes Cognition and this is basically your personal
mindset throughout the crisis and afterwards. Examples might be to see this as
a growing experience and to learn much about yourself or you might see this as
a crisis that you simply have to endure (by staying in your room all day and
perpetuating the uncomfortable situation that is at hand). Overall ABC will
determine you eXperience and this is how ABC influenced your overall
feelings during the situation. So when you learn from previous encounter and
then when another crisis come along you go forward with the information and
knowledge that you learned from a previous experience. From this I learned that
we should welcome crises because it will help to prepare us in the future and
we will eventually be capable of handling a variety of issues with ease.
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